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Hello! My name is Nicole Darling and I am so glad that you found my blog. I am a photographer based out of the Greater San Francisco Bay Area. Please leave me a comment as I love to hear what you think. Thanks for stopping by!

I am an extremely lucky woman. I am married to my best friend, and I am currently a stay at home mother of two wonderful little boys. Avery is 4.5, and Braxton is 2.5, both of their birthday's are in September. I am a photographer, a sister, a daughter, a wife, mother, and a best friend.

My business includes: Portrait Photography, Maternity, Newborns, Babies, Children, Families, & Seniors (Both Kinds :-) Engagements and Wedding photography. Capturing a child's' personality is my passion.

An English Proverb said "The eyes are the window to the Soul", and I try to capture more than just a "Picture", I want you to be moved when you look at my photos.

All images are the sole property of Nicole Darling (Essence of The Soul Photography). You must have written permission to use any images from this site.

Contact information: and (925) 594-1298

M's Newborn Shoot

Remember Lisa's Photoshoot, well this is her baby girl.  This little love bug is so incredibly adorable.  Her mom was surprised that she was awake almost the entire time, like she knew she was coming to a photo shoot.  I have never seen a newborn so alert, and she was constantly moving.  I hope she slept well for you tonight, enjoy the pics!!!

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